Well first and foremost, writing 100 posts and still having people read them is an accomplishment in itself.
But I did want to share another accomplishment with the readers.
When I decided to restart GWNE from its PI alt purpose to being a corp I actively ran and focused on PvP, I wanted to be in the Top 10k on Battleclinic as a corp. Why? Because I saw that as representing a level where it would show we actually knew what we were doing. We had more kills than losses, and overall I thought it would show we were not complete Carebears (despite my many indy related posts here would seem to confirm I am in fact a Carebear).
So it was with great satisfaction that GWNE did in fact crack the Top 10k in corps around Thanksgiving, and as of this writing sits at 8400.
Battleclinic Corp Standing
I wanted to take a few minutes and highlight a few of the more "special" kills to me.
The First - Noctis go Boom, with Melted Nanos
Always a special spot for my first. Was even a post here. It was a classic SB kill on a Noctis salvaging sites alone. I was disappointed there were no tears in local, but it was a blast and my heart was racing lining up this solo kill.
First Night In Low - Kill 1 & Kill 2
Again worthy of its own post. Killing a couple targets and forgetting probes to find way out did a lot to introduce me to my new alliance mates.
First Kill In Syndicate - Welcome to Syndicate
This was our first organized effort at a SB roam. We had probably 3-4 engagements through out the system and netted several really nice kills, while losing only a SB in return. That is until the Black Ops dropped us on a gate and evened the score for the night.
First Repeat Kill in under 30 minutes - Bound & Determined
Guess he really, really, really wanted to finish that site.
And from there its been a blur of kills and losses, but always more kills it seems.
I am proud in my corp in maintaining a solid efficiency and steadily climbed in points on BC.
So I am happy to say I have accomplished 2 goals recently in EVE. 100 posts (and people still reading) and taking GWNE to the Top 10k in corps on BC.
Thanks for reading, I hope you have gotten some enjoyment out of my stories.
Fly Safe,
Blood Rain - Part 3
Part 2 here.
Brasalion checked his chronometer. It was still three hours until the
Thunderhawks would arrive to take them to orbit to the fleet. The
2 weeks ago