I see some new trades coming out of the PI changes.
1) Mercs for hire to small WH corps incapable of destroying the Interbus CO's by themselves
2) Mercs for hire to rep WH and Low Sec POCO's in trouble
3) Pirate gangs ransoming WH and Low Sec POCO/PI access.
The first is probably the most interesting in the short term.
With almost 16M effective HP and a recharge rate of about 200HP/sec it is going to be near impossible for the small corp to take out multiple Interbus CO's in short order. The chance to kill these Carebears as the semi AFK pound these structures should add lots of possible targets to C4 and under systems.
More Caps will be build in WH space to accomplish this possibly.
Man would it be a great time for a group of SB pilots to hire themselves out to help destroy these CO's. ANd man would it be a great time for these corps to leave behind a few alts to wreck havoc on these WH Carebears for months to come.
Could be a very interesting dynamic.
The second service is already done for POS, but its a natural extension to more vulnerable targets.
The last is just an extension of asset denial to another soft underbelly of industry.
Oh the fun that might soon come to a WH near you due to PI changes.
Fly Safe,
Blood Rain - Part 3
Part 2 here.
Brasalion checked his chronometer. It was still three hours until the
Thunderhawks would arrive to take them to orbit to the fleet. The
2 weeks ago